Jouvert: Volume 4. Issue 1

Published by the College of the Humanities and Social Sciences, North Carolina State University


Editor: Maria Pramaggiore

Contents: Volume 4, Issue 1 (Fall 1999)

Editor's Introduction


Richard Haslam, 'A race bashed in the face':
Imagining Ireland as a Damaged Child.

Eugene O'Brien, Alternate Irelands:
Emigration and the Epistemology of Irish Identity.

Lauren Onkey, "A Melee and a Curtain":
Black-Irish Relations in
Ned Harrigan's The Mulligan Guard Ball.

Mike Cronin, Ignoring Postcolonialism:
The Gaelic Athletic Association
and the Language of the Colony.

Catherine Wynne, Mollies, Fenians and Arthur Conan Doyle.

James Morrison, Hitchcock's Ireland:
The Performance of Irish Identity
in Juno and the Paycock
and Under Capricorn.

Michael Malouf, Forging the Nation:
James Joyce and The Celtic Tiger.

Pat O'Connor, Ireland: A Country for Women?

Stanley Orr, Genres and Geographies:
Cultural Decolonization in
Mike Newell's Into the West.


The Irish Interest Group (U Texas -- Austin), "Sinn Fein and the
Educative Process:
An Interview with Daisy Mules.

Susan Shaw Sailer, Translating Tradition:
An Interview with Declan Kiberd.


Jude R. Meche, Wherever Green is Torn . . .

Kelli Maloy, Sexual Politics and the "New Order."

Richard Rankin Russell, Fiction and the Changing Ireland.

Eileen O'Halloran, Reading "Otherwise"
Theorizing the Place of Politics and Gender in Joyce.

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