Published by the College of the Humanities and Social Sciences
North Carolina State University
Contents: Volume 2, Issue 2
Editor's Introduction
Jean Vengua Gier and Carla Alicia Tejeda,
An Interview with Karen Tei Yamashita.
Floyd D. Cheung,
Imagining Danger, Imagining Nation: Postcolonial Discourse in
Rising Sun
Lawrence Phillips,
Lost in Space: Siting/Citing the in-between of Homi Bhabha's
The Location of Culture
Jon Thompson,
North American Dreams.
Juniper Ellis,
Return to Exile: Locating Home.
Klaus de Albuquerque,
On Golliwogs and Flit Pumps: How the Empire Stays With Us In Strange Remembrances.
Christine McCarthy,
A Summer Place
Postcolonial Retellings of the New Zealand Bach.
Katerina Ruedi,
Hyperurbio Ergo Sum.
H. K. Kalkat,
Perspectives on Postcolonial Theory.
Marian Staats,
A.R.T. and Artists: Feminist Body Theory.
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